Music Ministry

The Church of St. Luke affords many opportunities for parishioners to become more intimately involved in the liturgical life of the parish. We invite all parishioners – children and adults – to explore the many ways you can participate in our music ministry:
- SATB Choir
- Cantor
- Children’s Choir
Spirit and Song Selections:
Below are a few selections we are working on to include with our Youth Praise Group.
Singer: Jenna Hisey; Piano: Tom Hinz
- Breathe
- Hungry
- Open My Eyes
- Lord Let Your Face Shine Upon Us
- How Beautiful
- Sacred Silence
- Open The Eyes of My Heart
- I Can Only Imagine
SATB Choir
For those who enjoy a choral experience of music, our traditional SATB Adult Choir offers an excellent opportunity to explore the Church’s repertoire of classical and contemporary sacred music. The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8:30pm in church, and ministers at the 10am Mass on Sundays. The SATB choir also lends their voices to more solemn occasions, such as the Sacred Triduum, All Souls Mass of Remembrance and Christmas Midnight Mass. Members, while not required to read music, must demonstrate an ability to sing on pitch and a willingness to attend rehearsals. If you are interested in joining the choir and need more information, please email our Director of Music Ministry – Tom Hinz at [email protected] or text Tom at 732.822.6870
Cantor – Leader of Song
The cantor is the visible face of the music ministry, leading the assembly in sung prayer and worship. This is an awesome ministry that includes the proclamation of Scripture through the singing of the Psalms. The cantor facilitates the singing of the assembly through vocal and gesturing technique. Those who wish to serve in this special ministry must demonstrate a strong vocal ability and be able to sing strongly on pitch. It is preferred that you have some experience reading music, and be willing to practice and be prepared for the music you will leading for the mass you are scheduled for. Above all, a cantor must be a person of prayer who is faithfully active in the life of the Church.
Children’s Choir
In 2016, we officially started a Children’s Choir. Children in Grades 3 through 8 are welcome to join. We are also looking for teenagers to participate in more contemporary style music and to become a youth leader of song as a cantor. If you play an instrument or sing we’d like to speak to you! Music experience is not necessary but of course helpful. If you have a child that might be interested and want additional information, please email our Director of Music Ministry and Youth Group Director – Tom Hinz at: [email protected] or text Mr. Hinz at 732.822.6870
Please click below to hear Adrian and Ella singing together at the October 6, 2019 Children’s Choir Mass: